Copy Right Warner Brothers
Hunting Season is right around the corner....Whether you hunt for deer, geese, dove, turkey, or even (wabbits) rabbits a PLB is as important as ammunition.
Hunting can take one to very remote places and can leave us all alone so this is certainly a time when you would want to have a back up plan in place. One device that weighs less than one pound and will operate all over the world where cell phones do not could save your life. There are many uncertainties with hunting, you could fall and become injured, what if you were attacked by a wild animal and injured, you wreck your ATV leaving you unable to walk or barely move for that matter, you could become lost and so many other unpredictable things that mother nature may throw your way. Why take chances with your life there are PLBs that are as small as a mobile phone and cost less than $400.00, some models are less than $300.00....I know that this may seem like a lot but it is 5 years worth of maintenance free insurance and peace of mind...A PLB goes where you go from hunting to fishing to hiking to kayaking...A PLB is the best investment you can make to increase your chances of beating unthinkable disastrous odds while outdoors.
By arming yourself with a PLB you only have to worry about how to find those trophy animals.
Think of your friends and family, all of the emotion and sadness of searching for you in case of the unthinkable. Save rescuers time and money as well as saving your family grief just by spending less than $400.00!
As you set out on any outdoor adventure safety should be your first thought so the rest of the thoughts can be about enjoying the adventure! Good luck this hunting season and please be safe!
McMurdo Fastfind 210 PLB
ACR Aqualink PLB
Both of these great PLBs have internal GPS signal and operate on the 406MHz signal as well as having the 121.5 MHz homing signal for fly over searches
Thanks to ACR Electronics for the following information on how EPIRBs and PLBs work
I hope the videos are helpful!

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