
1155 FM 518
Kemah. TX 77565

Wednesday, July 22, 2009


As you have been seeing from the recent posts Adrienne has added , there are plenty of people out on the water who don’t have the proper safety equipment.  Most people take boating seriously and are prepared, but it seems many take for granted that their outings will turn out ok, with no thoughts of what could happen.  I realize that most trips do turn out ok, and no one expects something bad to happen during a fun day on the water.  But the truth is you never know what could happen; storms come up, electrical problems occur, fuel runs out, boats capsize, etc...  You should always plan for the worst and then go enjoy your day.  If something does come up, you will be prepared.  Know what safety gear you need for your boat.  Make sure it is all in good working condition and check it regularly.  For individual safety, a simple solution for getting help quick if something happens is to carry a personal epirb.  Each person should always have a life vest and whistle too.  When I say you should have a life vest, I mean you should be wearing it, not just have them on board.  The government spends countless hours a year searching for people who have had some kind of boating mishap.  Some of these instances could have led to a better outcome if they just had an epirb.  The soundings article Adrienne posted shows just why it is a good idea to have a PLB.  The Coast Guard was able to save 12 people in three separate boating incidents; all because they had PLB’s.  The smallest personal epirb’s cost less than $300.00.  They are so small and inexpensive now, there is no reason to be out without one.  If you go out on the water, go prepared, be safe and have fun.

Tina L. Miller

Triad Marine
1155 FM 518
Kemah, Texas 77565
'281-334-0815 Phone
7281-334-0041 Fax
P Please think of our environment, do not print this e-mail

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