
1155 FM 518
Kemah. TX 77565

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Houston Weather is so unpredictable

The morning commute Monday was plagued with flash flooding and many motorists needed help of local fire and police officials.

You may ask what does this have to do with Triad Marine.....well just check out that Zodiac! Our local officials use the same boats our military does in times of need. We are proud to have this partnership with local rescue officials. Keeping a city safe is strenuous work so they always need the best tools and equipment.

I would say I am glad we can provide a safe and stable boat for our cities finest to do a job that puts them in harms way. I hope many more lives can be saved but mostly I hope people educate themselves not to get in these positions.

Swift water can occur so quickly and often times people are just trapped. Thank you to the city fire and police rescues who are there for us. Hurricane season is right around the corner, and I hope we never have another Ike but I am proud to know our officials are well equipped and ready for high water situations.

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